Saturday, February 19, 2011

Writing to the very end......

How many potential writers quit before their prayers of being published get answered? Writing is living a life of endurance. It takes a certain personality to go and sit at the laptop every day and write out the world that lives in your mind.

Sometimes sitting at the laptop I wonder if I can endure to the very end. I wonder if it is too late in my life to begin again. But what if I give up? What if the moment I have been craving is just around the corner and I just have to do a little more work to attain my dream.

I don't know the names of the writers who couldn't endure to the end. I only know the writers who did. And there are the Sylvia Plath's and the Anne Sexton's, the Hart Crane's, the Virginia Woolf's and the Earnest Hemingway's who endured for as long as they could, but was it really to the end?

What is it that causes a writer to doubt? What is it that causes anyone to doubt themselves? Where does all the fear come from when we are given the opportunity to succeed… have everything handed to us we’ve prayed years for? Why does fear consume us and take away our self-belief?

How many times has how I look to someone else prevented me from being the writer I know I can be? As I explore the real me in this blog I find that the eyes of other's aren't my mirrors as much anymore. Somewhere along the way I am finding courage with each click to publish. I can sit down and feel my own reflection looking back at me. My eyes closed and the house quiet I see myself less fragmented than I use to. And that is because one person believed in me when I couldn’t, wouldn’t and didn’t.

I can never know for sure what other's think or feel about and for me; just when I think I am safe in knowing they change and I fall down again thinking I am alone. I must always esteem myself and not worry what others are thinking of me. I must always write out the fragmentations in my mind so that from the pieces I can see my own reflection separated from everyone even the one person who believed in me when I didn’t.

As a writer I want to be loved, admired, followed and respected, but on this journey I am the only constant. Only I can be consumed in developing myself as a person and a writer. The journey is mine and only my concern. When is the last time someone asked me if I wrote today? It was 41 days ago and it was the muse, that one person who believed in me when I didn’t, couldn’t and wouldn’t.

Today I am forced to look within and worry about how I perceive myself as a writer. I must focus on pleasing myself and no one else. If writing were easy everybody would do it, but writing isn’t. Writing is a lot of introspection and not everyone is able to dig within themselves to find an experience that readers can identify with and then write out the feelings of that experience.

Charlotte Vale-Allen author of Daddy’s Girl taught me that to write and experience with feeling was the only way to get a reader to identify with me as more than a writer. The goal for this writer is to help the reader identify with me as a person through my writing. Overwhelming feelings are the reason why some writers never start, why some never finish and why many can’t endure. Those writers, who do start, finish and endure the overwhelming feelings of the experience their writing about have no regrets. They are writers who have lived their lives true to who they are to the very end.

I have a choice today to feel and endure or not to feel and parish…………..  

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