Thursday, February 17, 2011

Committing to write.....

Commitment is an understanding with yourself that you are going to do the right thing no matter how it feels. It is uncomfortable doing the right thing all the time. Sometimes even though we know that avoiding writing will hurt us in the long run we choose to not writing because it doesn't feel good to sit at the laptop feeling like you have nothing to say.

Understanding the magnitude of making a commitment to yourself is as important as honoring the commitment to self. If I am to honor my commitments I must understand why I make them. The reason why I make a commitment is that I have committed to changing something in my life. Even a commitment to another person requires a change in my life.

Aristotle said “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” Committing to writing changes my daily life. Such a commitment changes how I feel about myself. For some reason after decades of not being able to commit to writing every day I am now able to. What changed in my life that made me able to commit to writing? I became able to make a decision.

There comes a time in every writer's life that they either create and commit to a program of writing or they don't. Reality has to be faced that you are a writer who writes or a want-to-be writer who talks about writing. What is amazing about this turning point in a writer's life is that the pain of not producing and the inability to commit to writing leaves. There is a voice that comes from within that just says "do it" and you do. But the decision to develop a writing habit has to be made first.

Tonight a new person in my life didn't understand that I couldn't go to bed without writing something in this blog. No matter how hard I tried to explain it she didn't get why I didn't just go to bed and write in the morning. I finally realized that it wasn't important for her to understand. All that was important was that I understood.

If I commit to being disciplined then I must be disciplined. If I commit to a program of writing then I must honor that commitment to write. All my actions either enhance my writing experience or detract from it. There is no writing with convenience because when I write when it is convenient the time never comes to write.

If I make the decision to stop talking about wanting to be a writer and I start writing then I stop hiding behind my self-doubt and fear. Giving all the credit and putting all the responsibility on another person for my writing is a form of hiding behind my self-doubt and fear.

In order for me to live a life as a fulfilled writer I must make the effort to honor the commitment I made with myself. A commitment requires discipline, effort and I must put the big girl pants on and become responsible for my own life.

No one gets the credit when I write; therefore, no one should get the blame when I don't.......

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