Monday, January 10, 2011

Day Two

This is a good sign. I dreamt about writing today! I woke up thinking about finding the emails I sent to myself from my phone during the summer when I would sit on the deck with a cup of coffee and watch the sunrise and the world awake. My head is always clearer in the morning than at any other time of day. In the morning is my time to write for me. I must save my best for my writing projects.

My writing friend said to start this blog was lame, but I have done it anyway. By getting up and writing a blog to start the day I am making a plan of action that will guide my writing today. It is like a list of what and when I will write. I also have a white board that has blank days on it. When Barb commented on how the white board was empty Saturday I felt the pain of missed opportunity in my heart. I felt this because this summer when I was prolific I used the white board to manage my life. I filled each square with things I wanted to do in the day and as I accomplished a task I wiped it off the board. It was quite a motivator to see a month full of activates and tasks lessen as I wiped each square clean on a daily bases.

So today what am I going to do? First I am going to fill in the days of the white board and make it into the month of January. I am going to put the days in that I wrote nothing and write something in them that is a motivator. I like the phrase "Fear is disloyalty to God." I also like the phrase "Avoid depression it is linked to fear." I think these two phrases are important for me to read on a daily bases because the reason I don't write is because I am afraid.

I am afraid to be a success. I am afraid of the responsibility that comes with being a success. My whole life I have said that my goal is to stay “under the radar” when inside I was screaming to become successful and be a great big dot on the radar. So this is it. Today I do three things: fill out the whiteboard, find my emails of my writing I sent to myself over the summer and put them in a folder on my desktop and I will find the information from Ben for our domain name and our account on Scribd so that I can begin publishing excerpts from my book. I'll tell you about the book later.

Along with those three tasks for my writing I must also earn a living so I have to do some edits for Demand Studios, see why my eHow pay wasn't sent for the third month in a row without contacting them and I have to write ten how-to articles.

My muse motivates me to be the person God wants me to be. The person God wants me to be is a writer sharing my thoughts, feelings and actions with other people. That is my purpose in life to trust God, clean my emotional/spiritual/physical side of the street and help others.

Good morning everyone!!! Today has started in the right direction!!!!

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