Friday, January 14, 2011

Day Six

Staying motivated even when life doesn't go your way what a challenge. Writing the loneliset job in the world and the most dangerous work a person can do. I say this because the most dangerous place to live is in my own mind. God has a sick sense of humor some day and today is one of those days. Bobby Bowden the college Florida football coach was asked in an ESPN interview what it is he tries to teach the young men he coaches other than football skills. Coach Bowden said that he tries to teach these young men that respect is something that they seek from others, but character is what God knows about us. I translate that to mean character building is all about living right in fellowship with our peers. 

Day started out with me not hearing the truth about myself and I didn't like it. But it isn't important whether I liked the truth or not; what is important is what I do about the truth now that I know it. Character building for me is learning something about yourself that isn't a good thing and then doing something about it to change that character flaw. The trick is to stay motivated in my purpose while I become willing to surrender to the need for this psyche change. The psyche change being tone down the all about me attitude of confidence and all knowing and be more about others and respecting their feelings and thoughts. If I have learned anything this lifetime it is that no human power can keep me motivated forever not even a muse. Only God can if I ask for it humbly on my knees. So that is what I have to do. I have to start my day over and find the motivation to live my life in accordance to God's plan for me. It is that simple and that difficult at the same time.

Plan for today: order ink cartridges, wear the CE hat I didn't wear yesterday logging in 5 hours, do some How-tos, spend time with friends go to a meeting maybe and thank God at the end of the day. Sounds like I will be busy.

Enjoy your writing day everyone--remember if you lose your focus you can start the day over anytime you want to....It's all in the attitude my friends...............Let's go write!!!!!

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