Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day Eleven

Good Morning!! As always yesterday wasn't as productive as I wanted it to be, but I did get what I needed done just not what I wanted. I'm still having trouble slowing my mind down so that I can earn my living quicker and then get on to my stuff. Don't think it is fear I just have a lot going on feeling and thought wise and my mind is racing. As long as I earn my living I have had a successful writing day.

I'm so impatient I want everything now and if it were possible I would want everything sooner than right now. I'm too funny. Life and this writer’s life is a process. A wise woman said to me last night you just keep putting one foot in front of the other living the way God wants you to live and your life will work out the way its suppose to. How true that is. Life is a process and anything I have ever gotten too quickly never lasted.

Another friend said that with the muse the walls of the house are being constructed and the foundation hasn't even been built yet. How true that is. I have to build my 50% of the foundation and that is a process that I am working on and that is all I can do today. I must stay focused on building my 50% of the foundation.

I feel calm in my chest today, but I can feel the voices awakening in my head that distract me from the task at hand. My goal is to quiet the voices so I can breeze through my work today and get to my own writing. The goal is to stay quiet and stay focused. Faith that all will work out is the only way to quiet my mind. I can’t live in a state of faith and fear at the same time. And yes the voices are always fear. I can say I don’t think they are, but the voices are riddled with insecurities. Insecurities are aligned with fear, fear is aligned with depression and depression paralyzes my body, mind and soul. When I am paralyzed I don’t write.

Plan for the day: same as yesterday How-tos and organize book and figure out how to find a friend's blog and link to it, I'm excited to not feel alone out here in cyberspace naked writing this blog every day.

All right….before the voices really get loud I am going to go earn my living. Let's go write and be grateful that this is my job today because as we all know I could be at Walmart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's go WRITE!!!!!!

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