Friday, February 25, 2011

Depth of my commitment......

Donald B. Ardell wrote, "Relationships are only as alive as the people engaging in them." The most important relationship I have today is with me. What I give to myself I get back. The same is true for my writing what I put into my writing I get back.

If I don't write a single word today then I get nothing back. If I write even just a few words what I get back are all the intangible feelings that have nothing to do with selling or publishing or even other people reading. The intangibles I get back are feelings of satisfaction, self-trust, self-belief and I learn how to prop myself up instead of looking and searching for others to prop me up.

When I am developing a relationship with me I also gain fellowship with my writing peers. I am reaching out and trying to be a part of because to be connected is to not be alone. Alone I am my own worst enemy. With my fellow writers I begin to be my own best friend.

Every experience I have is measured in terms of what I give. I use to be a writer who never honored a commitment, never finished a project. I am not that person today. I am not the person who lives in the extremes. Today my life is about writing and living in the grey. I write no matter how I feel. I know I must write something every day to become the writer I want to be. The most important thing I do today is honor my commitments once I have made them.

I have commitments I never utter aloud and then I have commitments I make to my family, my friends and a partner, but no commitment is as important as the unspoken one I made to myself to write every day. The depth of my commitment to write daily has helped me honor my commitments to others. I am involved therefore I am.

When I hold back and I live in the fear of I can't, I won't, it hurts too much, then I am living a writing life of reserved involvement that will give me only limited rewards. If I commit my whole heart to writing daily then I get the rewards that are infinite and beyond anything I can imagine

I am how I feel. If I feel afraid I write a story about a fearful experience and attach my feelings. If I am sad I write of an experience that touches my heart and makes me sad and again I attach my feelings. If a day comes along that I am filled with joy then I write of an experience that is joyful. I attach my feelings to the experience so my readers can identify with how I feel not the dirty details of my experience.

Every story I write is a reflection of the relationship I have with myself. I am a partner in my own relationship: I am involved, I reach out, I follow, I lead, I forgive, I live. My relationship with self is only going to be as rewarding and fruitful as the effort and work I put into being the best writer I can be.

Every story I write I get out of it only what I put into it. Every day I have a new chance, another opportunity to contribute more to my writing life then I did the day before. If I am still looking on the outside for the relationship that is right there waiting for me on the inside then I will miss the opportunity today to be the writer I want to and can be.

Through my commitment to write daily and my willingness to honor my commitment I am developing a sense of a writing self. I am feeling stronger with each click to publish. I am gradually claiming authority over my writing self. The hole in the center of my writing life is disappearing. I am becoming a full partner in writing this writer’s life……..

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