Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day Fourteen

Good Morning!! Today is the first day that I really don't have anything to say. I am grateful that something clicked in me last night allowing me to remove myself from being the center of the universe and to help others and to think about others before I thought of myself. I lived my purpose and on top of that I allowed a friend to help me. I had a great evening.

No fear today I actually feel confident. Not going to question anything I am just going to go to work, be available and enjoy this confidence. I give too much power over how I am going to feel away to others that aren't even in my life today. I find it amazing how much people take and we give away of ourselves--of the intangible parts of us--I gave so much away in my last relationship that I lost all confidence of who I am. I stopped caring, I stopped living, the pain was so great from giving me away that caring about the normal things in life ceased.

I've lived that way for three years and it is time to stop. This is where God sends the teacher when the student is ready and so came the addition of some really good people as true friends and the muse. These last two months have been amazing to me. My life is changing for the better every single day. I know I have said it before, but my life is becoming what it was always meant to be and that is an incredible feeling. I just have to trust that I deserve it.

Today I have the feeling of confidence to let it happen, not question it, continue to do my part in it and to revel in the friendship and love that has come my way from some truly wonderful people. I need to say that the “it” is me...I have to let me just happen, enjoy the process and trust that I can handle what is happening because it happens over the course of time not all at once. If there was no process and life happened all at once I wouldn’t be able to enjoy I would be overwhelmed with lack of understanding.

I am good today and I just did my budget for the week and I have to tell you this mind better be focused and these fingers better type like crazy because this is a big expensive week :) But I can do it today and that feels good. So the plan for the day is to push myself to write until I can't see, to stay focused and to fill my How-to queue twice with articles and empty it twice. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow!!

Off to write and earn a living--hope the QuickBooks CD comes today--I am excited to put in place all I need to be the corporation and employee I am--I wasn't so happy about that a few months ago--that's how quickly attitudes change.

Write!! Write!! Write!!! Have a good day.

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